for women to walk through
When was the last time you heard a woman voicing the promos leading up to the Super Bowl, a PGA tournament, or the World Cup? The answer is you likely haven't. And that needs to change.
What is Building Doors?
The Building Doors campaign advocates for equal opportunities in the voice-over industry, particularly within male-dominated brands like sports. It highlights female voice actors voicing ads traditionally done by men, urging brands and agencies to embrace gender diversity. By pushing for equal opportunities for both men and women, the campaign aims to foster industry-wide equity.

What Brands Think

Keep Scrolling to See Door Builders in Action!

The Pledge
What does it mean for a brand or ad agency to take the Building Doors pledge?
Provide an equal number of voice over opportunities for ad campaigns to both women and men.
Ensure that for any audition, such as a Super Bowl promo, both male and female actors are given equal consideration.
Support the goal of fostering a more inclusive voice over community.
Use the contact form below to receive a free resource guide and schedule a discovery call to address your VO needs.

The Story Behind the Door
Christy Harst
For years, I’ve been trying to break into male dominated sports voice over promo, but despite top-notch training and creative marketing, I made little headway.
During an online workshop with a prominent promo talent agent, I asked what my chances were to voice a promo for male dominated sports. She was honest: not so much. She explained that while there are opportunities for women in male sports promo, they are few and far between. She urged me to make my own path.
If there isn't even a door for me to knock on, how can I get in? Frustrated, disappointed, and quite frankly angry I knew I had a choice to make. Either I give up on my goal of voicing for male dominated sports, or I build the door for not only me but for all women in my industry to have greater access to these opportunities.
So, on March 1, 2024, I launched the Building Doors campaign. I collaborate with female voice actors from around the world to voice ads traditionally done by men, encouraging brands and agencies to embrace gender diversity.
Building Doors isn’t about taking jobs from men—it’s about equity. My goal is to see 50% of male-dominated sports promos voiced by women. This won’t happen overnight, but I’m committed to making it a reality.
Want to Support us?
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+1 216-307-1917
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